Training for Replacement

Replacement refers to methods which replace fully or partially the use of animals in experiments where they would otherwise have been used. The Directive 2010/63/EU emphasizes the implementation of the principle of Replacement through the strict requirement to first consider alternative methods. To achieve the goal of replacement of animals used in biomedical research, the education and training of the personnel involved in the use of animals for scientific purposes is the key point. The training should require the acquisition of the skill set for the utilisation of Replacement as well as critical thinking about the reliability and the effectiveness of full Replacement of the animal model. Furthemore, the knowledge of Replacement may help in designing more accurate experimental projects and justifying the use of animals when applying for the project authorisation. This WG is established to develop a syllabus on Replacement. The syllabus may be applied as integral part in the Laboratory Animal Science Education and Training courses as well as in courses addressed to teaching and training on non-animal methodologies.








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Terms of Reference